Progress on the Paint

The paint stripping proceeds slowly, because the window frame is a lot more fiddly than the baseboards and door trim. For one thing, if you screw up with the heat gun, you risk breaking the glass. For another, we suspect that a lot of the paint is serving a structural function on the worst parts of the window frame, and removing it might mean a window in much worse shape than before.

Anyway, here's where we are: the baseboards are stripped, the door frame needs a little bit more work to remove one layer of finish, and the window really needs to have chemical stripper applied to it along the sill and stool and curving trim because scraping is going to make a big mess in there.

Halfway through the stripping

After we finish with the stripping, we'll sand the trim, wash everything down with TSP substitute, and then we can start covering the remaining pink paint (I'm looking at YOU, ceiling).

We're also looking to make a flange for the light fixture, to hold up the ceiling paper there (attempts to find a suitable product at various stores were unsuccessful). And I need to glue the ceiling paper back up to the ceiling along the sides, where it is sagging.

But first, more time in the face mask, stripping paint.

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posted by ayse on 02/02/08