A Whole Ceiling

Today Noel set out out to do the rest of the ceiling. I set up the camera in interval mode again, and it ran out of battery, so you get only a few frames that it was willing to give us.

It was a horrible experience, anyway. It turns out that the wood we got from Home Depot yesterday (because Economy Lumber was closed) was milled a little larger than the wood we already had. So when it looked initially like things would just fit together nicely, instead Noel spent a bunch of time carving down the existing joists with the Fein Tool. Fun times.

Getting out the Fein tool

See: the camera caught both the tool and the exasperated look on Noel's face.

Finished ceiling

At any rate, even with having to carve out room for the new ceiling to fit, it did finally get done. And I don't blame Noel at all for getting fed up and not finishing the framing there.

Next up, closet framing.

posted by ayse on 09/29/13