Why Nail Guns Were Invented

The last couple of days have been all about nailing patterns.

The guys have been applying plywood to the walls, first fitting it around the weird exterior plumbing, then nailing it in the complicated patterns prescribed by the engineer.

Shear panels and dogs

Inner shear wall

This is the pattern on the center wall inside the house.

Inside nailing pattern

This is the pattern on the back wall of the house.

Rear nailing pattern

And THIS is the side wall. Top that.

Side nailing pattern

The walls really make the space feel real.


The guys are all ready to pour concrete in the bay window under the dining room. There's other spots of concrete to be poured (the plugs in the floor, and the footings under the stairs), so this might have to wait for those to be ready to be poured, too.

Dining room bay

Funny how, the closer you get to the end of the project, the more subtle the work gets on a day-to-day basis.

posted by ayse on 09/16/05