
Actually, I only ended up needing two more blocks, but I did rearrange a bunch of them on the side to tighten up spacing.

Last night Noel suggested I try bashing the heck out of the hard bits of ground with the sledgehammer. I was a bit skeptical, but I am now a convert: it worked perfectly, and the chore of digging out the ground for the last blocks was really sped up.

Finished catchment basin

It did come out looking a lot better than I had hoped: I was pretty much resigned to it looking like a random pit in the ground, but I think it actually fits into the shape of the garden as it is working out. I made some wide patches where I can put slabs for sitting on, so we can get up close and personal with the dianthus. Which I plan to move this afternoon/evening, if I can talk my arms into letting me. There's nothing like a major earthworks project to show you how old you really are.

From the peaches

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posted by ayse on 09/19/06