Just a Little Hole in the Wall

The sanding of the woodwork continues, slowly, with much procrastination. Yesterday Noel put some epoxy filler in some of the wood holes to see how well it worked. He also unveiled this:

Hole in the wall

It looks kind of like a large mousehole. I really don't want to speculate too much about what it might be. Somebody tried to repair it: you can see the nails around the edges: that's where they had nailed up a piece of asphalt shingle to cover the hole. That should be fun to fix.

There's a bit more plaster repair around the edges of the woodwork, a bit more epoxy work, we need to renail a piece of molding to the wall, and there's a tiny bit of paint stripping to work on, too. Then we can paint, and then we can address the floors (note two layers of flooring in this photo).

We're making a big push to get this room done so we can get the stuff that goes in there out of the middle of the upstairs hall at long last.

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posted by ayse on 03/02/08