Refashioning the Front Path

I've been waiting for the rain to start in earnest in order to redo the front walkway, and last weekend we got four inches. My plan was to remove the many large lavender plants, because it turns out Noel is actually allergic to them and it's probably not nice to have them all over the entrance. In addition, they showed a remarkable propensity for growing over the path instead of next to it.

See the before photo:

Overgrown lavender pathway

I got some neighbors who would accept the removed lavenders, and set to work. On the right side of the path were eight plants, so that was pretty much my afternoon today. They were totally overgrown with Bermuda grass, too, so it was not just digging, but detangling.

The pile to the right in this photo is pruned lavender branches and assorted other weeds and jumble to be removed. Between this and our large brush pile out back, I think it may be time to rent the chipper/shredder again.

After digging

I've disposed of one large plant, but tomorrow I will be dragging several more around the neighborhood offering them to neighbors. Also, maybe some pruning would be in order, because they are a bit large to transplant. This one is four feet across.

Dug up lavenders

Tomorrow I will show you what Noel was up to while I did this (since obviously he couldn't help me, what with the lavender allergy and all).

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posted by ayse on 10/17/09